 Historical Society
Reserarch Library (non-lending)
Our Research Library (non-lending) and History center are located in our Headquarters and History Center.  Below are a list of resources available.  Please note, this list is not all inclusive.  Please call our librarian, Nancy Pierce with specific requests.

Some of the resources listed below are available for purchase in our Museum Store.  Please visit our Museum Store tab or call our office for more information.

Vital statistics - including the following complied from town records:

     Buxton - Index to Births 1892-1978

     Buxton - Index to Marriages 1777-1994

     Buxton - Index to Deaths 1892-1978

     Buxton Vitals, Dr. AKP Meserve, Charles Meserve, Burton Pease

     Hollis - Births & Deaths, Burton Pease, 2004

     Hollis - Vital Statistics from town reports 1887-1951, Rita Bradbury

Cemetery records and locations featuring:

     Buxton Cemetery Records, John Frost, 1968

     Hollis Cemetery Records, John Frost 1967

     Maine Cemetery Inscriptions, York County, Maine Old Cemetery Assoc, 1995

Church records, including:

     Church of Christ, Buxton, Maine, 1763-1817

Census - 1860, 1880,1900,1910,1920,1930,1940 census information indexed for Buxton & Hollis

Obituary collection

Town Reports - Buxton and Hollis

Town Register - 1905 town register with families and occupations for Buxton and Hollis

Family genealogies and histories featuring:

     Heard-Hurd genealogy

     Jewetts of America

     Leavitt Decendents

     Libby, Nada Ardelle

     Milliken Family

     Small, Edward & associated families

     Usher Family

     Woodman Family

Biographies featuring

     A Deaf Artist in Early America, by Harlan Lane 2004      

     The Work of John Brewster Jr, Fenimore Art Museum, 2006

     Legend of Lazarus Rowe, by Mary Palmer

Maine History/Genealogy, including:

     Maine Families in 1790, Vol 1-8, Maine Genealogical Assoc.

     Piscatequa Pioneers, by Piscatequa Pioneers Assoc, 200

     Saco Valley Settlements and Families, GT Ridlon, 1905

     Genealogy Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire

School information, including:

     Buxton High School yearbooks

     Hollis High School yearbooks

     Hollis Rural Schools, The Early Days, Dana Smith, 1989

     MSAD#6 Annual Reports

     One-Room School House information

Photo Collection - 1000 images digitized

     Individual and group photos

     School class photos




Scrapbook collection

     includes donation from families of George E. Jack, Ronelda Berry, Margarete Waterman and others.


     Narragansett Sun, 1892-1916, local clippings compiled by Donna Conley


     Daniel Dennett 1800 map showing first settlers

     Daniel Dennett Map of 1852

     Robert Yarumian map of Hollis with early land owners

     1860 Atlas maps of Buxton, Hollis and surrounding communities

Houses and Local Historic Sites

     Town roadside surveys of buildings over 50 years old

     Historic house survey

     Local buildings on the National Historic Register

     Pleasant Point Park information

Book Collections:    

     Dana Smith’s school book collection

     Kate Douglas Wiggin collection

Town History Books, including:

     Records of Narraganset No. 1 (Buxton), Goodwin

     Buxton Centennial, 1782

     Buxton Postcard Images, Jim Libby

     Recollections of Old Buxton, Cousins & Hannaford

     Buxton, Hollis & Limington Images, Frank Sleeper

     History of Hollis, Jewett & Hannaford

     Hollis Bicentennial, 1998

Surrounding Town/City History information, including:



     Dayton 100th Anniversary Booklet, 1954



     History of Gorham, Hugh McLellan, 1903




     Old Kittery & Her Families, Stackpole, 1903






     Early Families of Standish, Albert Sears, 1991




York County Resources:

     York County Deed Index, 1641-1738

     York County Will Abstracts, 1801-1858