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Summary One Room Schools – Buxton, Maine

S = Still Standing

M = Moved

1872 Districts (Buxton)

        District #1   Union Falls, Union Falls & Dennett Rd.

        District #2   Scarborough Corner, a union district & joint school with Scarborough.

        District #3   Groveville, Webster School, (where fire station is) * the Latest

              Groveville school, built in 1872 was on the Hurlin Smith Rd.

        District #4   Salmon Falls, brick school house on corner of Union Falls Rd. & Rt. 117 on Joel Marshal lot.

S, M District #5   Shadigee, Shadigee School at corner of River Rd. & Back Nippen, Now at 55 Fountain St., Bar Mills, owned and renovated by Pat & Andy Packard.

S      District #6   Chicopee, Chicopee School or Watson School on Gillette Rd. In 1873, it was located where the present fire station is now in Chicopee and was brick. Replaced by present Chicopee School in 1900.

District #7   Norton’s District, Kimball’s Corner School on Turkey Lane east side just north of Henry Hill Rd. Moved to Groveville & placed at the fire station.  Became Webster School.

        District #8   Bog Mill, Bog Mill School, between Rite Aid & Wills Small Engine, still there in 1938.

        District #9   Cobb District, Cobb School, corner of Church Hill Rd. & Webster Rd.

        District #10  Scribner District, Scribner School, Rankin Rd. across from Snell’s. Remnants still fallen down in woods.

S      District #11  Duck Pond, Duck Pond School, presently Hagerty Plumbing & Heating on Rt. 202, Naragansett Trail.

        District #12  Moderation, West Buxton School, now West Buxton Library.

        District #13  Bar Mills, East side of Lower Egypt near Bar Mills Depot.

        District #14  East side of Rt. 112 River Rd. just north of where Tarbox Rd. meets Rt.112

S,M  District #15  Dearborn’s Hill, Dearborn’s Hill School on Rt. 22, Long Plains Rd. just south of Flanders Cemetery.

        District #16  Buxton Centre, North Grammar District& North Grammar  School, SE corner at Buxton Center, Rt. 22 and Flaggy Meadow Rd.

        District #17  Lower Corner, South Grammar School, on east side Old Orchard Rd. diagonally across street from Chase Tavern, presently RHR Smith & Co.

        Private School, Buxton Academy in Bar Mills in 1830 for a short period of time, on east side of Depot St.  Parts of this academy may be private residence now.




Summary One Room Schools – Hollis, Maine

* Information taken from The Rural Schools of Hollis, Maine by Dana A. Smith, Hollis Bicentennial Past, Present and Future 1798-1988 by the Hollis Bicentennial Committee & A History of Hollis by Martin H. Jewett & Olive W. Hannaford

1811 9 School Districts

1870’s $1400/year spent, plus $700 in state funds

1889 14 School Districts

1895 District System abolished statewide because of unequal educational expense;

         school committee created. Hollis opted to have voters elect district agent at a

         district meeting. Agent selected teacher, obtained wood, did maintenance and

         book keeping. Cost to town .40/inhabitant for ‘scholars’ age 4-21.

1890’s A few small schools closed permanently; others slowly followed.

1934 Only 6 schools left



S = Still Standing


S  District #2  Locke School House, 24’ square, in Clarks Mills, last session 1911.

    Clark’s Mill School, 1872, replaced the Locke School in 1911. First school in town to have a basement.

    Salmon Falls School, was near & almost across from Quillcote. Later moved to Buxton side for use a home, but torn down.

    District #3  Deerwander, small enrollment, not much is known, no photo.

S  District #4  Haley Smith or River Rd. School

S  District #5  Benson School constructed in 1825 later became the West Hollis School in

                      1896. Now a private residence beside Sunshine Clubhouse.

    District #6  Hollis Center School or Cape Rd. School, 1889, sold in 1913 for a home &

moved a few yards up the Cape Rd.

S  The New Hollis Center School – constructed 1913, consolidated.

    District #7  Bonny Eagle School or Usher School, enrollments 1880’s about 25.

S  District #9  Moderation Grammar School (West Buxton), used to be located across

From Advent Church on east side of Rt. 35; moved to High St. on left going up two

or three before cemetery. Remodeled & became Hillcrest School in 1921.

Hillcrest School, was remodeled and became Moderation Grammar School, 1921.

    District #10 South Hollis School was Bear Hill School and was moved in 1872.

Following the move, it became the South Hollis School. Locally called the

    Mosquito School or the McDaniel School 1905-06.

    District #11 Alld School, located @ foot of Pleasant Hill just across intersection of Rt. 117.

S  District #13 Bar Mills School, became Legion Hall 1927. First named Harold Hutchinson Post #130, Later Hutchinson-Boulter Post for Carl Boulter.

    District #14 The Killock, later called North Hollis School, located above the Deer Pond on Waterboro Rd. approx. ¼ mile from intersection of Rt. 117 & Rt. 35.

    District #16 The Tarbox School, built approx. 1840 & located on the Upper Tarbox Rd. near Colby Chadbourne place.

    District #17 The Union Falls or Union School, Dayton, moved & abandoned in 1945, torn down for construction of Skelton Dam. Located where town lines of Hollis, Lyman & Waterboro come together.

    Clarks Mills School, Dayton, on Rt. 35 about 1 mile beyond Clark’s Mills.  Replaced the Locke School, 1911.