Buxton-Hollis Historical Society
Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

Most of her books are in the public domain and are available online at Project Guttenberg. 


Marm Lisa

Mother Carey’s Chickens

New Chronicles of Rebecca   A sequel to Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Penelope’s English Experiences

Penelope’s Irish Experiences  A sequel to Penelope’s Progress

Penelope’s Postscripts  The last book of the Penelope Series

Penelope’s Progress  A sequel to Penelope’s English Experiences

Polly Oliver’s Problem: A Story for Girls

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Roninetta by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Mary Findlater, Jane Findlater, and Allan McAulay

The Romance of a Christmas Card

Rose O’ the River

The Story of Waitstill Baxter

A Summer in a Canyon: A California Story

Susanna and Sue

Timothy’s Quest


Short Stories

Aqua: Or, The Water Baby

Benjy in Beastland

The Birds’ Christmas Carol

Bluebeard: A Musical Fantasy

A Cathedral Courtship

The Diary of a Goose Girl

Dicky Smiley’s Birthday

The Eventful Trip of the Midnight Cry

The Flag-Raising

The Fore-Room Rug

The Girl and the Kingdom: Learning to Teach

The Glad Evangel

Huldah the Prophetess - from Ladies-In-Waiting book

Miss Thomasina Tucker - from Ladies-In-Waiting book

Mrs. Chinchilla, The Tale of a Cat

The Nooning Tree

The Old Peabody Pew: A Christmas Romance of a Country Church

The Oriole’s Nest

Philippa’s Nervous Prostration - from Ladies-In-Waiting book

The Porcelain Stove

The Story of Patsy

Tom o’ the Blueb’ry Plains

The Turning-Point - from Ladies-In-Waiting book

Two On A Tour - from Ladies-In-Waiting book

A Village Stradivarius

The Village Watch-Tower

When I was a Little Girl




The Girl Scouts:  A Training School for Womanhood

Children’s Rights:  A book of nursery logic by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith